You define the “it”, your goal. The primary reason we don’t do it- work toward a goal – is that the rewards of the goal are way out in the future, are not measurable, or even guaranteed while the disruption and pain of the change needed to achieve that goal are immediate. Who wants that??
It’s why strategic planning is super fun just as long as stays in the planning stage also known as the sexy stage, and does not slip into the “doing” stage where the blood, sweat and tears make their home.
Here’s the pattern most people follow that I was given by David Maister which is brilliant!
Try a little, succumb to temptation, give up. Repeat until totally frustrated. Sound familiar? How many home gyms turn into clothes drying racks? You got your answer.
We try a little, succumb to temptation, give up.
We repeat until totally frustrated.
Maister goes on to suggest that there is rarely if ever, a benefit from simply dabbling or trying just a little on a new strategy. To reach our “it”, we have to change our lifestyle which includes our daily habits. In other words, mentally steel yourself for the pain and keep your eye on the benefits of a better future. I know it’s a bit counter-cultural with everyone wanting immediate gratification for pretty much everything these days. The problem there is that it (in this case immediate gratification) Old-school grit does.
You do need add one more thing to this formula. You need to add courage to keep up the new habits and not yield to all the old familiar temptations. Then, and only then, you will see the benefits, just later than you want.
Most people want to “go big or go home” with BHAGS (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) which might be big and hairy but often don’t even inspire them. They do look great on paper though! What I suggest is not to “dabble” but to take very real, and very small steps toward a goal, your “it”, while also maintaining the courage (also read as intestinal fortitude, or grit, or determination) to incorporate those small steps into your day until they become habits which take about 90 days to form. These small steps lead to big changes that will lead you to your “it”.