Heart Shapes Rocks Shore of Galilee

Who does God say you are?

Who does God say you are? Here’s a hint. In the last chapter of the Gospel of John. There’s what has got to be a very awkward meeting between Peter and Jesus on the shore of the Sea of Tiberius. At least for Peter. They meet for the first time since Peter boastfully stated that he would stand by Jesus no matter what happened – “Lord, I am prepared to go to prison and to die with you!” (Luke 22:33). Yet, he quickly denied Jesus three times out of fear and self-preservation. Jesus, within earshot, gave Peter – a look (Luke 22:16). It was a look of hurt, of sorrow that only someone very close could cause, but it certainly wasn’t a look of surprise.

Who does God say you are? You are a child of His, and a brother of Christ. Neither have to give us “the look” due to our sin. Yet, if you ask, God forgives you of your past sins. He loves you and is more merciful than you can ever imagine. Some of us need to think about our past mistakes to learn from, but we can’t get sucked into living there as that only brings pain and regret – easily exploited by Satan. We are also told not to live in the future as it will only cause us anxiety. What does that leave us? To live in the here and now – which should give us sufficient strength aided by God’s grace to handle the issues of this very day. That is enough.

Heart Shapes Rocks Shore of Galilee

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